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About Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad

Helping investors realise the possibilities

Manulife Investment Management (M) Berhad (Registration No. 200801033087 (834424-U)) (hereinafter referred to as “Manulife IM (Malaysia)”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Manulife Holdings Berhad (listed on Bursa Malaysia), which is majority owned by Canada-based Manulife Financial Corporation. A company licensed by the Securities Commission of Malaysia, Manulife IM (Malaysia) operates under the asset management arm (Manulife Investment Management) of Manulife Financial. Manulife Investment Management is a leading global asset manager, with investment expertise extending across a broad range of public and private asset classes, as well as asset allocation solutions. 

Over and above our strong local team, we also have access to Manulife Investment Management Asia’s network of more than 450 investment professionals, with offices in 17 countries and territories worldwide. As at 31 December 2021, Manulife IM (Malaysia) has assets under management of RM14 billion. Manulife IM (Malaysia) subscribes readily to the Manulife’s excellence-oriented corporate culture and high standards of financial integrity in the management of its unit trust funds. We provide investors access to a skillful, knowledge-driven, and highly credible team of investment professionals with proven performance management capabilities.

At Manulife IM (Malaysia), we understand that financial needs change over time. That’s why we offer a suite of investment products and services suited for every stage of life. 

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About Manulife iFUNDS

Manulife iFUNDS is a new online fund investment platform that allows you to manage your portfolio, anytime, anywhere – seamlessly.
In partnership with our professional advisers, Manulife iFUNDS delivers a unified digital experience.
Portfolio management, at your fingertips.
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